What is SHAC?

SHAC is our School Health Advisory Council.

SHAC is a district advisory council -- made up of parents, students, community members and school staff working together to improve the health of all students and families through coordinated school wellness programs.

Why do we need SHAC?

● It’s a state mandate

● Healthy children learn better

● Schools play an important role in teaching healthy habits

● Healthy homes and healthy schools support healthy children

Introduction to Social Emotional Learning
Mechanic Checking Out a Brain

One of our SHAC's main focus areas is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) within our District. This webpage is meant to be a resource for both teachers/staff and students.

According to casel.org, Social and Emotional Learning is described as, "The process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions."

In evidence based studies, SEL has showed student gains in areas of:

  • Social emotional skills

  • Improved attitudes about self and others

  • Positive classroom behavior

  • Eleven percentile point gain on standardized achievement tests

Student were at less risk of conduct problems and emotional distress.

Teachers benefit from SEL/ Social competence are better able to avoid burnout and stay in the classroom. They do this by:

  • Developing and managing nurturing relationships with students

  • Serving as behavioral role models for children

  • Managing their own emotions.

Call 911

911 is an emergency call line for people to reach police, fire or emergency medical assistance from any phone in any location.

When to Call 911:

A 911 emergency is when someone needs help right away because of an injury or an immediate danger. For example, call 911 if:

  • There is a fire

  • Someone has passed out

  • Someone suddenly seems very sick and is having a hard time speaking or breathing or turns blue

  • Someone is choking

  • You see a crime happening, like a break-in

  • You are in or see a serious car accident

Call 988

988 is a free crisis call line for people to connect with suicide prevention, mental health and substance use crisis counselors.

When to Call 988:

988 provides direct connection to free, confidential, and compassionate support.

When you call, text or chat 988, you’ll be quickly connected to trained crisis counselors who will listen to your concerns, provide support, and connect you to additional resources if needed. There is HOPE. The Lifeline WORKS. You are not alone in crisis. For 24/7 confidential support, just call, text, or chat 988.

For example, call 988 if:

  • You have thoughts of self-injury or suicide

  • You have thoughts of harming someone else

  • You are feeling depressed or sadness that does not go away

  • You have experienced trauma (physical abuse, sexual abuse, bullying, intimate partner violence, grief)

  • You are struggling with substance use

  • If you suspect a friend or family member is experiencing an emotional crisis

Do You Have SEL Resource Suggestions? Submit This Form