E-Rate Guidelines

Silver Consolidated Schools participates in the USAC E-Rate program which provides the district reimbursement for eligible services including Internet costs and for eligible networking equipment. District reimbursement rates are based on the district's free and reduced lunch rates and our status as a rural school district. In 2021 the current reimbursement rate is 85%. To be eligible to participate in the E-Rate program the district must meet the following guidelines:

Emergency Connectivity Fund
Emergency Connectivity Fund

The Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) will reimburse schools for the reasonable costs of eligible equipment and broadband connections used to help students and staff who otherwise lack access to be able to engage in remote learning.

Silver Consolidated School submitted and certified 3 applications for the first window of the funding in August.

  1. Student Devices (50 iPads, 600 Chromebooks, 500 5G T-Mobile Hot Spots w service, Service for 150 T-Mobile 4G Hot Spots) $533,495.00

  2. Staff Devices (12 Laptops, 80 Chromebooks) $36,800.00

  3. Starlink Satellite Service (10 Units with 1 year service) $5,490